Saturday, July 16, 2011

Autoincrement an html table serial numbers using Perl script

This perl script will append a new column along with the table with each row serial number incrementing from 1.

Input: 1) A file containing single table. This should not be further nested one and also should not contain colspan or rowspan


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#This assumes

# any html file containing tables which may have tbody. This code only adds single column and does not change anything else.

use strict;

use feature "switch";

use Common;

use HTML::Element;

use HTML::TreeBuilder;

my $filename="F:/tmp/t1.html";

my $toc;

sub autoincrement


my $table=$_[0];

#see if tboday is present

my @children=$table->content_list();

foreach my $item (@children)


if($item->tag() eq "tbody")


$table = $item;




my @rows = grep { $_->tag() eq "tr" } $table->content_list();

#First row is header row

my HTML::Element $th = HTML::Element->new('th');



for(my $i=1;$i<@rows;++$i)


my HTML::Element $td = HTML::Element->new('td');





die "File $filename not found" if !-r $filename;

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();


my @h = $tree->content_list();

my @all_elements=$h[1]->content_list();

foreach my $item (@all_elements)


autoincrement($item) if ref(\$item) ne "SCALAR" and $item->tag() eq "table";


my @list1=$tree->content_list();

my @list2=$list1[1]->content_list();

foreach my $table (@list2)


print $table->as_HTML();


# Finally:


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